Terms & Conditions

Stand 06.03.2018


1. General principles / Scope of application

1.1 For all legal transactions between the Client and the Contractor these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business are exclusively applicable. The decisive version is always that valid upon the date of contractual conclusion.


1.2 These Standard Terms and Conditions of Business are also applicable to all future contractual relations, even if in the conclusion of additional contracts they are not explicitly mentioned.


1.3 Conflicting standard terms and conditions of the Client are invalid unless these have been explicitly acknowledged in writing by the Contractor.


1.4 In the case that individual provisions of these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business are invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions or the contracts concluded based upon them. The invalid provision is to be replaced by a valid provision which comes as close as possible to fulfilling the sense and economic purpose of the original.


2. Scope of the order / Substitution

2.1 The scope of a specific commission shall be contractually agreed for each individual case.


2.2 The Contractor is entitled to have the tasks incumbent upon him performed partly or entirely by third parties. Payment of the third party shall be made exclusively by the Contractor himself. There is no creation of any kind of direct contractual relationship between the third party and the Client.


2.3 The Client is obliged during this contractual relationship and for a period of three years thereafter not to enter into any kind of business relationship of whatever nature with persons or enterprises which the Contractor uses in the course of fulfilling his contractual obligations. The Client shall in particular not commission these persons or enterprises with such or similar consulting services as those which the Contractor also offers.


3. Client’s duty to inform / Declaration of completeness

3.1 The Client shall ensure that in the fulfilment of this consulting commission the organisational framework conditions in place at his business premises enable the work necessary for rapid progression of the consulting process to be carried out as undisturbed as possible.


3.2 The Client shall also fully inform the Contractor of any consultations already completed and/or in progress – even those covering other specialist areas.


3.3 The Client shall ensure that the Contractor without his specific request is provided in good time with all the documentation necessary for the fulfilment and completion of the commission and that he is informed of all events and circumstances which are relevant for the completion of the commission. This also applies to all documentation, events and circumstances which only become known during the activities of the service provider.


3.4 The Client shall ensure that his employees and the statutorily designated and any appointed employee representatives are adequately informed before the Contractor takes up his activities.


4. Securing of independence

4.1The contracting partners are obliged to show mutual loyalty.


4.2 The contracting partners are mutually obliged to take all precautions suitable to avoid endangering the independence of commissioned third parties and employees of the Contractor. This applies in particular to offers of employment by the Client or assumption of commissions by the Client on his own account.


5. Reporting / Reporting duty

5.1 The Contractor is obliged to report to the Client on his work, that of his employees and, if applicable, contracted third parties in accordance with progression of the work.


5.2  The Client shall receive the final report within a reasonable time, i.e. two to four weeks after conclusion of the work, depending on the nature of the commission.


5.3 The Contractor is not subject to instruction in completion of the agreed work, he acts on his own discretion and on his own responsibility. He is not bound to a particular place of work or specific working hours.


6. Protection of intellectual property

6.1 The copyrights to works (in particular offers, reports, analyses, expert opinions, organisational plans, programmes, specifications, drafts, calculations, drawings, data carriers, etc.) created by the Contractor and his employees and commissioned third parties remain with the Contractor. They may be used by the Client during and after the end of the contractual relationship exclusively for the purposes covered by the contract. The Client is in this respect not entitled to duplicate and/or distribute the work (works) without the express permission of the Contractor. An unauthorised duplication/distribution of the work shall in no way create a liability for the Client towards third parties – in particular as regards, for instance, the accuracy of the work.


6.2 The violation of these provisions by the Client entitles the Contractor to immediately prematurely terminate the contractual relationship and to enforce other statutory claims, particularly to injunction and/or compensation.


7. Warranty

7.1 The Contractor is entitled and obliged, regardless of culpability, to correct any discovered inaccuracies and defects in the work performed. He is to inform the Client of this immediately.


7.2 This claim of the Client shall expire six months after the relevant service is provided.


8. Liability / Compensation

8.1 The Contractor is liable to the Client for damages – except personal injuries – only in the case of gross misconduct (deliberate acts or gross negligence). This also applies correspondingly to damages attributable to third parties commissioned by the Contractor.


8.2 Damage claims of the Client can only be judicially enforced within six months of becoming aware of the damage and the damager, but at the latest within three years of the event which is the grounds of the claim.


8.3 The Client must in each case provide proof that the damage is attributable to the fault of the Contractor.


8.4 If the Contractor completes the work with the help of third parties and in this connection warranty and/or liability claims arise against these third parties, the Contractor shall assign these claims to the Client. The Client will in this case pursue in the first instance these third parties.


9. Confidentiality / Data protection

9.1  The Contractor is obliged to maintain absolute confidentiality about all commercial matters of which he becomes aware, in particular business and company secrets and all information he acquires about the nature, business scope and practical activities of the Client.


9.2 Furthermore, the Contractor is obliged to keep confidential from third parties the whole content of the work and all information and circumstances of which he gains access in connection with the preparation of this work, in particular also about details about the customers of the Client.


9.3 The Contractor is released from the duty of confidentiality towards any possible vicarious agents and representatives whom he employs. However, he must ensure that these persons are also completely bound by the confidentiality duty and he is liable for violations of the confidentiality duty by them as for his own violations.


9.4 The confidentiality duty extends unrestrictedly beyond the cessation of this contractual relationship.


9.5  The Contractor is to be entitled to process personal information entrusted to him in the course of the purpose of the contractual relationship. The Client guarantees the Contractor that he will take all the necessary measures, in particular all measures within the scope of data protection legislation. Deletions or the transfer of data will be undertaken immediately upon request.


10. Fees

10.1 After completion of the agreed work or in advance in the case of training, the Contractor shall receive a fee in accordance with the agreement between the Client and the Contractor. The Contractor is entitled to present interim invoices in line with the work step and to demand payments on account in line with the relevant progress. The fee is payable upon presentation of the invoice by the Contractor.


10.2 The Contractor shall always issue an invoice valid for deduction of advance taxes with all statutory required characteristics.


10.3 Incurred cash costs, expenses, travel costs, etc. are to be reimbursed in addition upon presentation of receipts by the Contractor.


10.4 If completion of the agreed work does not occur for reasons for which the Client is responsible, or due to the justified premature termination of the contractual relationship by the Contractor, then the Contractor shall have a claim to payment of the whole agreed fee less any expenses saved. If an hourly rate was agreed this is payable for every hour which was to be expected for the whole agreed work, less the saved expenses. The saved expenses are agreed at a fixed rate of thirty percent of the fee for those services which the Contractor had not yet performed on the day the contractual relationship ended.


10.5 In case of non-payment of interim invoices the Contractor is released from his obligation to provide further services. However, this shall not affect the assertion of further claims resulting from the non-payment.


11. Electronic Invoicing

11.1 The Contractor is entitled to transmit Client invoices in electronic form. The Client expressly declares his agreement to the sending of invoices in electronic form by the Contractor.


12. Duration of the contract

12.1 This contract ends in principle upon conclusion of the project.


12.2 Notwithstanding this, the contract can be dissolved at any time by either party on good grounds without observing a notice period. The following, in particular, are to be seen as good grounds:

- if a contracting partner violates fundamental contractual obligations or
- if insolvency proceedings are commenced against one of the contracting parties or
- if the opening of insolvency proceedings is refused due to lack of assets to cover the costs.


13. Cancellations

In the case of any changes requested by the Client to the commissions issued and their advance payment, Viable Projects GmbH is entitled to charge the following cancellation compensations of the overall sum:

  • 4 weeks before commencement of work: 50%
  • 2 weeks before commencement of work: 100%

Any handbooks or specialist literature purchased in advance will not be rescinded.


14. Final Provisions

14.1 The contracting parties confirm that all the details in this contract have been given truthfully and in good faith and they are mutually obliged to announce sensitive changes.


14.2 Any changes to the contract and these STCs must be made in written form; this also applies to any rescission of the requirement for written form. There are no oral collateral agreements.


14.3  This contract is subject to substantive Austrian law under exclusion of the provisions of international private law. The place of fulfilment is the location of the professional branch of the Contractor. The court of jurisdiction for any disputes is the court at the place of business of the Contractor.

Rico Römer, Sanae Barmou | best-practice innovations GmbH
Rico Römer, Sanae Barmou | best-practice innovations GmbH

Als IT-Berater ist es ein zentraler Bestandteil des Arbeitslebens sich stetig weiterzubilden und die verschiedensten Schulungen zu durchlaufen. Entsprechend können wir die Schulungen von Dieter Strasser jedem nur ans Herz legen. Er brennt für die Schulungsinhalte, welche er anbietet und begeistert damit seine Teilnehmer. Auf Grund seiner langjährigen Erfahrungen in den Themen schüttelt er die praxisbezogenen Beispiele nur so aus dem Ärmel. Des Weiteren hat uns Herr Strasser viele praxisbezogene Übungen machen lassen, so dass wir ein intensiven Einblick in die Aufgaben eines Business Analysten haben durften. Wir konnten dadurch vieles mitnehmen.

Selten wurde bereits vor der Schulung so intensiv auf die Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmer eingegangen, als Dieter Strasser dies bei uns getan hat. Zudem gab er Empfehlungen, wie die Schulung aufzusplitten ist, damit man nicht von den ganzen Informationen überladen wurde und sich möglichst viel behalten konnte. Entsprechend bleibt zu sagen, dass wir gerne wieder Schulungen bei ihm machen wollen.

Katja Behrschmidt | Behrschmidt Consulting
Katja Behrschmidt | Behrschmidt Consulting

Als selbständige Unternehmensberaterin ist es für meine Kunden und mich besonders wichtig, als Basis meiner Methoden-Kompetenz professionelle Trainings einzusetzen. An Dieter Strasser schätze ich besonders nicht nur sein tiefes Experten Wissen, sondern auch die didaktischen Fähigkeiten, dieses Wissen zu vermitteln. Dies tut er mit einer hohen Wertschätzung für den Inhalt, mit tiefem Respekt für die Teilnehmer*innen als auch mit einer wunderbaren Prise an Charme & Humor. Herr Strasser lebt seine Werte und ist dabei absolut authentisch. Aus diesem Grund habe ich ihn bereits in der Vergangenheit auch erfolgreich bei Geschäftspartnern empfohlen.

Tobias De Marco | CHG-MERIDIAN AG
Tobias De Marco | CHG-MERIDIAN AG

Ich wollte mich nochmal für die tollen Schulungsinhalte und die Schulung bedanken. Es hat mir wirklich viel Spaß gemacht und ich habe viele neue Punkte mitgenommen (obwohl ich mich schon für einigermaßen „kanbanerfahren“ gehalten hab 😊). Ich hoffe das ich auch einige Punkte für mein Team umsetzen kann.

Michael Heisler | CHG-MERIDIAN AG
Michael Heisler | CHG-MERIDIAN AG

- DANKE für die tolle Begleitung
- DANKE für die offenen wenngleich auch manchmal kontroversen Diskussionen
- DANKE für manche neue Idee und manches bisher nicht bekannte Tool (z.B. Miro-Board, Kanban-Simulation,…)

Daniel Heinrich, Unternehmer & Entwickler, code-work UG
Daniel Heinrich, Unternehmer & Entwickler, code-work UG

Auch als kleines Unternehmen ist regelmäßige Schulung für uns sehr wichtig. In unserer täglichen Arbeit finden die Methoden des agilen Business Analysten zur Klärung der Anforderungen, agiles Projektmanagement zur Umsetzung und seit Neuestem Kanban sowie Personal Kanban mannigfache Anwendung. Die vielen praktischen Tipps aus dem Training und Coaching unterstützen uns enorm. Auch das Online-Training war super und extrem gut vorbereitet, mit dem gemeinsamen Bord und den einzelnen Sessions.

Christoph Kofler, gepardec IT Services GmbH
Christoph Kofler, gepardec IT Services GmbH

Als "Flow Master" (aka Projektmanager) sind die Trainings von Dieter Strasser ein wahrer Goldschatz den ich Stück für Stück hebe. Der persönliche Austausch auf Augenhöhe beflügelt uns gegenseitig und man merkt die Begeisterung und Leidenschaft, mit der er die Inhalte vermittelt. Nach jedem Training denke ich mir: "warum habe ich das nicht schon vor 10 Jahren gelernt?". Das ist wohl das wahre Kompliment - die Trainings sind 100% praxisrelevant.

Grünplan GmbH, Ingenieurbüro für Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftspflege
Grünplan GmbH, Ingenieurbüro für Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftspflege

Durch die Einführung unseres Portfoliomanagement für Wissensarbeit auf Basis Kanban und gezielter Retrospektiven hat uns Dieter Strasser eine neue Basis für Innovationen erkennen lassen.
Die seitdem wöchentlich am Freitag durchgeführte Aktualisierung des Status bietet uns Rückblick auf den aktuellen Projektstand, wie auch die Vorschau auf die Tätigkeiten der kommenden Woche und passt so perfekt zu unseren Anforderungen.

Judith Stemerdink-Herret, JuSt-Her e.U. Unternehmensberatung
Judith Stemerdink-Herret, JuSt-Her e.U. Unternehmensberatung

Dieter Strasser ist ein ausgezeichneter Trainer mit viel Erfahrung, Einfühlungsvermögen und didaktisch geschickten Mitteln. Das theoretische Wissen von "Facilitation Foundation" ist eine hilfreiche Basis um Prozesse mit Gruppen strukturierter zu verstehen und auch einige Methoden praktisch kennenzulernen. Gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmer*innen konnte ich mein Methodenwissen mit Varianten und nützlichen Praxistipps erweitern. Die dreistündigen Übungseinheiten haben den Online Kurs für mich sehr angenehm gemacht. Als selbständige Beraterin in Organisations- und Projektentwicklung ergänzt dieser Kurs meine Kompetenz in der Klärung der Anforderungen und in effektiver Gruppenarbeit.
Vielen Dank für das sehr interessante Training mit Herz und Verstand, das ich sehr gerne weiterempfehle!

Lerchertrain® - Mag. Lercher & Partner GesbR.
Lerchertrain® - Mag. Lercher & Partner GesbR.

Dieter Strasser hat uns in ganz vielerlei Hinsicht beeinflusst und zum Nachdenken angeregt. Mit seinen Fragen, Beispielen und Erklärungen hat er uns beim Aufbau unseres ganz eigenen Kanban Systems und einem geeigneten Arbeitsrahmen großartig unterstützt. Wir haben in seinen kurzweiligen online Trainings viel gelacht und noch viel mehr gelernt. Danke, dass du deine große Erfahrung mit uns geteilt und immer wieder mit unserer praktischen Arbeit verglichen hast. Dadurch war es uns als Team sehr rasch möglich, einen gemeinsamen Tätigkeitsrahmen zu entwickeln und zu implementieren. In den vielen Übungen und anhand der unzähligen Beispielen war es für uns als Team sehr gut möglich die vorgestellten und erlernten Inhalte in unser Daily Business zu übertragen.
Vielen Dank – Team Lerchertrain®.

Dipl.-Kfm. Clemens Baumsteiger Geschäftsführer SoftVisor GmbH
Dipl.-Kfm. Clemens Baumsteiger Geschäftsführer SoftVisor GmbH

Es ist Dir gelungen, mein fragmentarisches Wissen (und irrigen Vorstellungen) in meinem Kopf zu einem stimmigen Ganzen zu konsolidieren. Und das kurzweilig und mit Spaßfaktor.

Brigitte Seidl, Projektmanagerin, IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH
Brigitte Seidl, Projektmanagerin, IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

Ich war sehr positiv überrascht ob der Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Methoden, die es unter dem Begriff Facilitation gibt. Auch wenn ich viele davon schon gekannt habe, konnte ich einige neue kennen lernen und die bereits bekannten noch vertiefen. Die zahlreichen Übungseinheiten haben den Kurs sehr kurzweilig und vor allem sehr praxisnah gemacht. Ich nehme mir vieles mit, das uns auf unserem Weg in die Agilität sehr hilfreich sein wird.

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■ AgileBA® is a registered trademark of Agile Business Consortium Limited. All rights reserved. ■ The APMG International AgileBA and Swirl Device logo is a trademark of The APM Group Limited, used under permission of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved. ■ AgilePM® is a registered trademark of Agile Business Consortium Limited. All rights reserved. ■ The APMG International AgilePM and Swirl Device logo is a trademark of The APM Group Limited, used under permission of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved. ■ APMG International Facilitation™ is a trademark of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved. ■ The APMG International Facilitation and Swirl Device logo is a trademark of The APM Group Limited, used under permission of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved. ■ OBM Foundation™ is a trademark of OBM Dynamics BV. All rights reserved. ■ The OBM Foundation logo is a trademark of OBM Dynamics. All rights reserved. ■ Kanban® is a registered trademark of David Anderson and Mauvius Group. ■ Personal Kanban® is a registered trademark of Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry. ■ The Phoenix Project™ is a registered trademark of GamingWorks.

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